Monday, 7 May 2007

Fuck you h8ters!

I see that a couple of trolls have left their skid marks on my Blog.

Well, you're too late. I've already been hoisted onto my own petard by a rooly famous person, so your insults are insignificant in comparison.

Check out her style. Respect!

(Click here for full size version)

Silly bint thinks I'm responsible for this!


Anonymous said...

Oh Dee. Two posts old and already your first troll. You put that Skeletor chap to shame.

dione bliss said...

Boogeyman, it's old stuff but I will treasure that email forever. When she's a a big-time Hollywood director, I'll be able to read it and 'remember when'. See, I have nothing worthy to post on a blog.

Caroline said...

Now all you need to do is to get all of Skel's contributors to post here and your work is done.

Ramon Insertnamehere said...

Dee, I feel there isn't enough cat/train p0rn on the interwebs.

Please remedy this on your blog.

Thanking you in anticipation.