Thursday, 10 May 2007

Another little Aussie battler party

The Nitpicker in me wants to get my big red pen and fix this letter sent to the Newcastle Star's editor. How many One Nation wannabes are there?

Thursday, 26 April 2007
Posted By Stuart Ulrich

The Common Folk

Dear Sir

I am the Leader / Boss of "The Australian Peoples Party and find it extremely disheartening to hear that we common folk have no place in politics.

Nothing you can do about it. Being Australian, there's nothing you can do about anything. Politics is not for your class, it's a reserved occupation, pollies only.

This also amazes me as it is we the people who vote in these people and they say this, who are they to think that we the people have no place in politics and we do not count. It is we the people that make this country go around whether workers or bosses and to be called just common folk is arrogant without a fact.

This party is calling on all people to stand and unite for the people and this nation of ours. If it is common folk these political parties do not want then it is time we stand up in the true spirit of all who have fought for the rights and democracy that we so rightly deserve and not just party dictatorships.

The Australian Peoples Party even though being a party has within its constitution for the right of any person to stand as a candidate and to fully represent their electorate with their full voice with complete backing of the party.

It is time to stand or just play follow the leader with the so called others.
Members and candidates wanted from all of Australia.
Phone, email or visit the website.

Stuart Ulrich
38 Palisade Street
Edgeworth, NSW
02 49552883

I also found an earlier letter from Mr Ulrich.

Letter to the Editor Politics ALP appalls on pay increase
Wednesday, 20 September 2006
Posted By Stuart Ulrich
To the Editor
I had noticed about an article that was in The Star September 20 2006. This article was headed ALP appals on pay increase, and had included unfortunately there is no alternative to vote for.
Have I some news
I have been for sometime trying to get the news out and have just been knocked back time and time again. What do I have to do except to somebody's disapproval to a major party, well here it is and if you would like to know more you have my details.

I am creating a new Political Party and this is from what I have seen that most people couldn't care less about what happens or if so just complains. What can be seen is that people will just follow the Party like sheep, knowing of all the wrongs but finding some excuse. If people stood up for themselves this would become a better nation.

As one would believe Politicians should be there for the people of your areas and not for the normal way of Party Politics, Have I some good news for you. I am not a person who has been to Polly school but from the school of blood sweat and tears, this is what has made our nation.

In Parliament the people and this nation deserve there people, that they have voted in to work for the people and not to be stuffed animals and follow the party line. I believe that if something is not right no matter what, that you have the right and obligation of the people to say so and if this means that bills are not passed or need revamping then this is the case.

Thank you for your time and hope to here from you


Bugger off Stuart, I hope never to "here" from you.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I am the Leader / Boss
I'm so stealing this phrase. It's brilliant.
"Student: Miss EMS, why do I have to do this homework for you?
Miss EMS: Because I am the Leader / Boss."
It will shut them right up.

that make this country go around
Go around what?