I worked for the State Rail Authority of NSW and its later incarnation, CityRail for almost a decade. Here's a snapshot of a bunch of rail employees from all over the state circa 1987. We'd gathered in the old rail employees' hall next to Central Station, Sydney, for an information session for some customer survey or other. It was always worth volunteering for these wankfests because you'd get paid well for doing very little. Come to think of it, that was what working for the railways was like all the time. Even the large number of workers on light duties because they were suffering from the condition 'Mediterranean Back' managed to get in on the action.
Here's a larger version of the photograph.
Is that you in the front row with the white cardie?
Noooo. I'm hiding up near the back.
Moustaches were popular back then in the late '80s, judging by how many blokes are sporting them.
A likely story.
That's you on at the very end of the row on the left, five rows back, with the perm and glasses, standing, isn't it?
6 rows back if you include that pesky empty seat in the front row. Curses.
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