Tuesday, 15 May 2007

My obese, daggy cat has her own awards now

One of my feline overlords enjoys sitting on my knee while I am reading the papers online. She shows interest if there's an image of what she recognises to be an animal on the page I'm reading. So now she wants me to put something on this site about humans who are kind to animals, especially cats of course.

I said, great idea, Masai! SG-S had his Samuel awards, we can have awards too. We'll be like SG-S and Nattie. Only you're a cat and probably three times the size of that funny little dog.

And if anyone wants to jeer and snigger, well fuck off. When's the last time you saw a cat go on a serial killing spree in an American high school? Or declare war on Iraq? Or raise interest rates? Or be stupid enough to throw away money on a Nigerian scam? Yeah, so shut the fuck up. Cats rock and in many ways are preferable to humans who can be total cunts.

So, with Masai's approval, here's her Award. Woohoo!

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

And Terri Irwin - bugger off, you're not getting one. You and Bindi are just attention-seeking, money-hungry showponies.


Anonymous said...

Sorry to burst your bubble Dee, but the only thing stopping cats going on killing sprees is a lack of opposable thumbs. Once they work out how to operate a can opener, they'll move on to the semi-automatic rifle.

Ramon Insertnamehere said...

they'll move on to the semi-automatic rifle.

True Boogey, but only if they could be bothered.

And Dee. I find your atavar to be disturbingly pro-owlist.